Our Governors
Governors (ID 1152)
Mrs Sarah Stribbling-WilliamsChair of Governors
Mrs Sarah Stribbling-Williams
Mrs Louise GibbsVice Chair of Governors
Mrs Louise Gibbs
Mr Alan EmeryCo-opted Governor
Mr Alan Emery
Mrs Lyndsey MakeyCo-opted Governor
Mrs Lyndsey Makey
Mrs Sam RecklessCo-opted Governor
Mrs Sam Reckless
Mr David MurrayParent Governor
Mr David Murray
Mr Gary GobleParent Governor
Mr Gary Goble
Mr Adam StevensDeputy Headteacher and Staff Governor
Mr Adam Stevens
Mrs Mandy GibbsHeadteacher and Governor
Mrs Mandy Gibbs
The role of School Governors is to:
- Set strategic direction
- To hold school leaders to account for improving performance
- To make sure money is well spent and resources meet the needs of the school
To do this we provide challenge and support to the Head Teacher, drawing on our own knowledge and experience.
The Full Governing Body at Boughton Monchelsea meets once a term and oversees the strategic development of the school alongside the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team.
The Boughton Monchelsea governing body uses the circle model for its monitoring. The governors are split into monitoring pairs. The pairs then visit the school, to focus on their SIP (School Improvement Plan) area and look at progress against targets and challenge on behalf of the FGB and report back their findings.
The full list of our governors and details of their roles, responsibilities and terms of office can be found here. The governors terms of reference are here.
The School Improvement Plan Areas are:
- Leadership and Management
- Quality of Education
- Personal Development, Behaviour and Safety
- Finance
We also have governors who cover specific monitoring roles:
- Early Years
- Pupil Premium
- Health and Safety
- Safeguarding
- SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development)
- SEN (Special Education Needs)
- Training
We make decisions together on matters such as performance, targets, school policies and school improvement plan.
The Full Governors’ meetings are closed, but anyone can apply to the Chair of Governors to attend as an observer. Click here for the current record of governors' attendance at our meetings.
Please see our Declarations of Interest here.