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Boughton Monchelsea Primary School


Admissions for Reception Class

Children begin their school life in the September following their fourth birthday, joining our Reception Class of 30 pupils.

Applications for children due to start primary school in September 2025 will open on Tuesday 5th November 2024 and will close on Wednesday 15th January 2025. 

Parents are encouraged to apply online at www.kent.gov.uk/ola and will be informed of which school they have been offered in April 2025.  More information can be found at www.kent.gov.uk/schooladmissions

The oversubscription criteria for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools are:

· Children in Local Authority Care and children who have been adopted from Care

· Current Family Association (sibling)

· Health, Social and Special Access Reasons

· Nearness of Children’s Homes to School

For advice call 03000 41 21 21  or email primaryadmissions@kent.gov.uk
The school follows the local authority’s admissions policy, a copy of which is available here.

School Tours for Reception Intake 2025-26

School visits for the above Reception class intake will be held on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 20th November, between 9.15-11.30 and will be in the following format:

Headteacher presentation 9.15am-9.30am  -  FULLY BOOKED

School tour 9.30am-10.00am - FULLY BOOKED

Headteacher presentation 10.45am-11.00am - ONLY NOW AVAILABLE ON 5th NOVEMBER

School tour 11.00am-11.30am - ONLY NOW AVAILABLE ON 5TH NOVEMBER

Visits will need to be booked in advance. Please contact the school office if you wish to make a booking, stating your name, contact number, preferred date and time of tour. Thank you.

The office may be contacted on either of the following:

Tel: 01622 743596

Email: admin@boughton-monchelsea.kent.sch.uk

If you miss these visits or would simply like to know more about our school, please view our website. 


In order to support parents and their children as they join our school, we offer a series of transition events in the summer term before they start in our Year R class in September. Your Year R child will be paired with a Year 6 Buddy, who will support them as they start school and throughout the year. In September, all Reception children stay for mornings only for the first few school days.  They will then progress to staying for lunch and going home afterwards for the next few days. stay for lunch and in week three they will be with us all day.  Prior to a child starting in our Reception Class, parents and carers will be offered the opportunity to have a home visit, where school staff can meet children in their familiar surroundings.

In Year Admissions

Parents seeking a place for their child during the school year should download an ‘In Year Admission Form’ (IYAF) from this website and return it to the school. We will then inform you as to whether a place is available or not.  Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to join the waiting list for places should a vacancy arise.

IYAF (In Year Admission Form)


You can appeal if you have been refused a place at your preferred school. More information is available here. No discrimination will be shown to a prospective pupil on the grounds of race, sex or ability nor to those with disabilities once mainstream schooling has been deemed to be the most appropriate placing.

If your child is due to start Primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday, 16 April 2025). You needed to submit your appeal before Tuesday 20 May 2025 for it to be considered by Tuesday  22nd July 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.

For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.